Work Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Purdue University

Operating Systems (Spring 2021, 2022), Object Oriented Programming (Fall 2021), Compilers (Fall 2022)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Jan-May 2020

IIT Madras, Chennai

TA for the first offering of SysDL course; explored topics in the intersection of Systems and DL

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Jul-Nov 2019, Jan-May 2020

IIT Madras, Chennai

TA for nand2tetris course - IITM offering (Fall 2019), NPTEL + Online M.Tech offering (Spring 2020)

Backend Developer Intern

May-Jul 2017

Quicklo, Bengaluru

Built a tool to construct bank balance sheets from corresponding photos and PDFs.

Webops Core

Apr 2017 - Feb 2018

Shaastra, IIT Madras

Worked as Webops Head for Shaastra 2018 edition, the annual technical festival of IIT Madras.