Gokulan Ravi

5th year PhD candidate
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University

ravig [AT] purdue [DOT] edu

I'm a fifth year PhD candidate at the School of ECE in Purdue University.

My research interests broadly lie in computer architecture. My PhD thesis focuses on formal verification of memory consistency in mordern processors.

During my masters' at IIT Madras, I worked on SHAKTIMAAN, a systolic-array based accelerator for DL inference. Earlier, I worked in the SHAKTI project in implementing cache-coherence protocol for multi-core processors.


  • PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering (2021-Present)
    Purdue University
  • B.Tech+M.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering (2015-2020)
    IIT Madras


QED: Scalable Verification of Hardware Memory Consistency [pdf]
Gokulan Ravi, Xiaokang Qiu, Mithuna Thottethodi, T. N. Vijaykumar